San Francisco Hidden Gems

Hey SF - the days are getting longer, and you know what that means. More time to spend behind the wheel, exploring hidden gems in the city. We put together a short list to check out here. Make a day of it and visit them all. Just grab a Gig and go! 

Entwined at Peacock Meadow

Visit the illuminated enchanted forest at Golden Gate Park. This magical illumination wonderland is spread out over an acre of open space, and the best part? Viewing is free and open to the public. Our Richmond district HomeZone is right around the corner for easy access. Light turns off at 8:30pm. Entwined runs through April 4th.

The Parrots of Telegraph Hill

The parrots of telegraph hill, filbert st, bay area

A flock of wild conures (a small parrot species) has taken up residence on Telegraph Hill. This flock has roamed the hills near the Filbert St steps for nearly 30 years. If the steps prove too steep to tackle, you may spot some parrots in the trees of nearby Sue Bierman park. 

The Wave Organ

wave organ

This engineering marvel on the SF Bay is actually a functioning organ powered by the waves. It is constructed of a wide assortment of marble and carved granite, concrete, and PVC pipe from a demolished cemetery. The Wave Organ is most easily accessed via parking at the nearby marina.

Andy Goldworthy’s Spire

Made of up 37 cypress tree trunks, this 100-foot tall art installation in the Presidio is a wonder to behold. This is the first piece Andy Goldworthy created in the  Presidio (he has gone on to imagine three more – Wood Line, Tree Fall, and Earth Wall). Visit all three if you have the time! 

Land’s End Labyrinth

land's end labyrinth, marin headlands, sutro baths

First of all, bring your jacket and your good shoes, because it can get very windy and slippery at Land’s End. Found in the northwest side of the city, San Francisco artist Eduardo Aguilera created this labyrinth as a small shrine to, in the artist’s own words, “peace, love and enlightenment.” Enjoy the views of the Marin Headlands and the Golden Gate Bridge from this magical site. Park in the Land’s End / Sutro Baths parking lot.